Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that you may have questions about various features and functionalities of Beeper. Here's a list of our most commonly asked ones.
Q: Can I delete conversations or entire chats?
A: Not yet. We are working on adding delete. For now, you can archive chats or right click → Low Priority to get them out of your inbox.
Q: Does Beeper support RCS?
A: Yes! Google Messages - Getting Started Guide
Q: Can I block contacts?
A: At the moment, no. However, you can mark a chat as Low Priority. These chats will not appear in your inbox or produce notifications.
Q: Does Beeper filter spam?
A: No, not yet. For now, we recommend marking those conversations as Low Priority. We will bring the ability to mark chats as spam soon.
Q: Can I send GIFs in Beeper iOS? What about voice notes?
A: Yes! Make sure you're on the new generation of Beeper iOS.
Q: Can I add two or more accounts for the same network?
A: Not yet.
Q: Can I rename group chats?
A: Not yet.
Q: Can I change someone’s name or photo in Beeper?
A: Only on Google Messages chats. If you're using the same Google Account everywhere (Beeper, Android Contacts, and Google Messages native app) you should be able to change the avatar on the contacts app or using, and it will take effect in Beeper. For all other chat networks, the avatar will be retrieved directly from the Chat Network.
Q: How can I sync my contacts into Beeper? If I sync one device with Beeper installed, does it sync for all other Beeper devices?
A: Each Beeper client needs to be synced separately to your contacts. Here’s a helpful guide.
Q: Can I have custom notification sounds?
A: On iOS? Not yet. On Android? Yes! On Desktop? Yes!
Q: How can I see which features are supported on which chat network?
A: Check our handy feature reference chart.
Q: Can I customize notifications per chat network? E.g., disable Discord notifications in Beeper iOS
A: Not yet. We’re working on it.
Q: How do I mute notifications for apps like WhatsApp and Signal while maintaining the ability to receive calls from them?
A: Here are instructions to do this for Android and iOS
Q: Is it possible to snooze or set reminders for chats?
A: Not yet! But it’s on our to-do list.
Q: Can I schedule messages to be sent later in the mobile app?
A: Not yet! But it is coming soon!
Q: Is Beeper available in my language?
A: No, we have not translated Beeper into any other languages yet. Beeper does not yet support RTL chats.
Q: Are there apps for Apple Watch, Google Wear or Samsung Galaxy Watch?
A: No.